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Carabao Cup Final Family Charity Day at The Grand Hotel Gosforth

Carabao Cup Final Family Charity Day

Sunday 16 March, 12:00

Just in case you missed it.... Newcastle United are in the final of the Carabao Cup, playing Liverpool on Sunday 16th March. This Cup Final Charity Family Fun Day promises to be a blast for all ages, raising monies to split between two local charities, Hazlewood Go and St Oswalds Hospice.

The day starts at noon with games and activities including a Shoot a Hoop, Sink the Putt, Tombola, Heads and Tails, Raffle, Score a Goal, Prize Pong, Auction, Craft Corner, and Party Bingo. Amazing prizes are on offer from local businesses.

At 4pm they'll be Newcastle United anthems before the big kick off at 4:30pm, shown on 4 large projector screens.

After the match dust off those dancing shoes for the Ibiza Anthems. 

Entrance to this event is by ticket only, and you must be in by 3pm. Adults are £10, a family of 4 is £30. Remember this is a charity event so take some cash for the games, activities, raffles & tombola, but please note food and drink from the hotel is card payments only. All the details including the ticket link can be found in the Frisk List.

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All details correct at time of press. For up-to-date information, contact the organiser or venue direct.

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